Happy New Year 2020
A Blessed New Year
Blessed in the man.
Psalm 1:1
Psalm 1 is the gateway to all the Psalms. In six verses, it gives us all we need to move into the new year. The first word is Blessed. God wants to bless you in the coming year. Psalm 1 In verse 1, you are blessed by your separation—the things you don’t do and people you avoid (“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel in the ungodly”). In verse 2, you’re blessed by your meditation (“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates…”). In verse 3, you’re blessed by your maturation as God develops you (“like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit”). And in verses 4-6, you are blessed in your destination (“The Lord knows the way of the righteous”). The coming year will be full of blessings for those who turn away from harmful habits, rededicate themselves to studying and meditating on God’s Word, envision themselves as trees by channels of water, and look forward to God’s leading every step of the way.
By God’s grace, that’s you! So have a blessed New Year!